Ken Carver and Doug Frantz - former reporter for the NY Times and Editor for the LA Times
Part of the team making call at Senator John Mc Cain’s office
Ken Carver and Nick Christianson at Sen. Kerry's office
Remembering the victims at the reception in the Capitol
Laurie Dishman, Doris Matsui and Caitlin Burke at the reception.
Doris Matsui, David Fitzpatrick, producer for CNN and Ken Carver
Emily Ball, Lynette Hudson, Ken Carver, Laurie Dishman and Jamie Barnett and at the Capitol reception
International Cruise Victims Association Photographs
Music Heard On Merrian Carver Page:
The Butterfly Music (lyrics by Merrian Carver):
For the Service of Remembrance for Merrian, two members of our church took Merrian's writings about the Butterfly and turned it into a song for this service.
Laurie Dishman, Rep Poe and Doris Matsui at the reception.
Jamie Barnett, Emily Ball, Laurie Dishman and Ken Carver going to the Capitol for the reception.
Lisa Sanford Cassinelli and Lynda Sanford and Ken Carver along with representatives of RAINN
Laurie Dishma, Emily Ball, Ken Carver and Jamie Barnett going to the Capitol for the reception.
Getting ready to head home after making 25 calls on US Senators.
Victims Helping Victims
Together We Are Making A Difference
You Should Know
You Leave Port
Don't Snooze Before You Cruise
I Just Cant
International Cruise Victims Association Photographs