The Disappearance of Fariba Amani

I'm Fariba Amani's youngest sister. Last March she was reported missing, by her boyfriend, off the Bahamas Celebration during an overnight return trip from the Bahamas to Palm Beach.

According to Ramiz Golshani, he last saw her at the gift shop the night before but they went their separate ways. When he returned to the room that night, she hadn't come back so he went to sleep. He woke up on the morning of February 29th and noticed she still hadn't come back so he decided to spend some time walking around in search of her. By the time he reported the situation to the crew, it was already 8am and the ship had docked so passengers were already being let off. More passengers embarked and it wasn't until two days later that the FBI searched the ship. TWO DAYS! 

The US Coast Guard searched the waters along the path the ship took but called the search off after 72 hours because there was no reason to believe someone could survive. In the meantime, we filed a missing person's report in the city she lived and they later handed the case over to the Vancouver Police Department. The VPD is conducting the main portion of the investigation and being aided by the FBI. 

A year later, it seems as though little progress has been made. Investigators are releasing next to no information to us so we're left with only questions. Questions like: Where are the cameras? How could they let the ship sail after being told someone is missing? Other than floatation devices and life boats, what information is passed on to passengers as to safety (ie: guards, alarms, cameras, etc.)? Are passengers told what to do in case someone is missing? 

Fariba assumed that this ship would look after her safety and that of all its passengers. She had no reason to believe this ship wouldn't be covered with cameras. Even some public streets have cameras nowadays so why wouldn't a floating private city? Are there no background checks? Can anyone with a ticket just get on without concern? 

The cruise ship company allowed the boat Fariba was on to be searched by the FBI and then washed their hands clean of all wrong doings. Have they made an attempt to improve their ship's security or their procedures to ensure it doesn't happen to yet another person? Unlikely. Might it be a different story had it been the wife or daughter of the company's president Charles Kinnear? Likely. 

Fariba is a daughter, mother, sister and friend to all the people here who love her and are still wondering what happened. In her memory, I'd like to participate in ICV s mission and efforts to change current cruise line regulations, procedures, and accountability. 


Saloumeh Amani

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